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En Family Promise, pasamos todos los días hablando con familias que han experimentado o están en riesgo de quedarse sin hogar. Creemos que compartir sus historias es esencial para crear conciencia sobre la falta de vivienda de las familias en los Estados Unidos. ¿Querer aprender más? Vea algunos testimonios recientes haciendo clic en el botón de abajo.

What else does my donation help with?So glad you asked! A donation of $20 can buy a tank of gas for our guest families to meet potential landlords for apartment searches, take their child to day care, and drive to work. Larger donations of $50 will provide one meal for a family of four. $100 will help pay for shelter supplies including toilet paper, cleaning supplies, paper towels, and diapers. Donations larger than $100 will be applied to car insurance, car repairs, and meeting medical needs (dental check up, medical appointments/medication) of our guests.
Can I drop off donations at the office?Yes! We welcome donations of any kind. If we cannot use them or have room, we can make sure they get offered to other shelter agencies in the Valley. We are located at 561 W. Nelson Ave. in Wasilla.
Can I donate online?Yes! You can donate on our website or Facebook.
Want to speak with someone?Sometimes speaking directly with others brings clarity. You can call our office at (907) 357-6160 and our friendly staff can assist you with any questions you have.
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